Friday, December 19, 2008

Football - Brazilian football philosophy

what you like with football? what you also want to rotate the ball as the player the world? doing it to be learned and pahami.berikut in some ways like where you can memeutarkan the ball like what you want.

Carlos Alberto Parreira, Brazil in the World Cup winning cockroach, said in a interÂview leading up to the Cup Final team to do that it must be "organized defensively, suitable as a sewer or compared with the opponents, and politely express themselves in the 'Brazilian way ' ".

What is characteristic of modern Brazilian football? To play with fast and secure unpredictable and creative offensive attack movement. How do Brasil different approach from the English language? Netherlands? Germany? Let's start by explaining the individual players and then the Brazilian team play.

First, individual Brazilian players are technically very sound, each of the players in the field of play comfortable with the ball at his feet. In addition, he is creative by nature, and while tactically very astute, he also likes to make things simple, sharp. We have learned to expect the unexpected all of Brazil's attack in the area of the field.

Brazil, the player works hard and is very physical in sciÂentific trained, closely monitored methods. This allows a high level of fitness he was doing work that is needed to supply the positive numbers around the ball better offensively and defensively. Combining this with a mixture of fitness individÂual skills, creativity and tactical awareness and make your special players and teams that extraordinary.

Brazil team tactics to distinguish Brazil play more. Parreira again, said, "I do not have to melt our players how to play football, but I do not have to help them develop as a unit. It is not easy to play Brazil because they are up to the individual."

First, Brazil, the approach is to keep the ball moving in the field, if possible, except when crossing, pictures or sometimes when using an open front or change the point of attack from one flank to another with a pass. The need to be developed in connection with the initial training barefoot, when a miss-kicked the ball long or physical pain. Often, too, and a small rubber ball and trusting the ball used to develop better touch.

Furthermore, the angle of attack and hold switch pressure through a series of short passes in the field. The property is guaranteed by the correct position of supporting players. Brazil's 4-4-2 scheme from the point-play on the support of both offensive and defensive side over the player: center offensive Midfielder support the second attacker; self central Midfielder support both outside Midfielders; and one of the defenders in supporting both outÂside defenders and the other in the leaders. We call this the three of the 911 positions in the team and their functions are similar to point guards in basketball. They are always there in case of emergency and available quickÂly switch to the attack angle. We see this support network plays positioned diagonally from the players as' triangulation '.

Finally, there is this sense of constant movement, constant cirÂculation-Brazilian players in the game. A player from the back pass to make, and then walk to the room to make choices more information or to support other people play. At the same time, other players drops to close the space just vacated. There is this constant circulation through Brazil's players play scheme.

by Kevin Keene

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